Monday, June 8, 2009

Final Exam Part I

Horace 1.1
1. tollere- infinitive, to give out
2. iuvat- 3rd person singular pres. act. ind. iuvare
3. secet- 3rd person singular pres. act. ind. secere- meaning to sail
3. laudat- 3.S.pres.act.ind. laudare meaning to praise
4. Manet- 3.S. pres.act.ind. manere
5. miscent- 3.P. pres.act. ind. miscere- to grieve
6. secernunt- 3.P. pres.act.ind. secernere- to sever
7. tendere- infinitive-
8. spernit-3.S. perf. act. ind. spernere
9. Est- 3. S. pres. act. ind. esse- to be
10. demere- infinitive

Horace 1.37
1. parabat- 3.S.fut.act.ind. parare- to take from
2. sperare- infinitive
3. est- 3.S. pres.act.ind. esse- to be
4. redegit- 3.S. perf.act.ind. redegere
5. daret- 3.S. pres.act.ind. dare- to give
6. scilicet- 3.S. pres. act. ind. scilicere
7. expavit- 3. S. perf. act. ind. expavere
8. superbo- 1.S. fut.act.ind.superare- to be above
9. tractare- infinitive
10. reparavit- 3.S.pres. act.ind. reparare- to repair

Horace 3.30
1. vitabit- 3.S. fut.act.ind. vitare- to live
2. possit- 3. S. pres.act.ind. Posse- to be able to
3. dirvere- infinitive
4. scandet- 3. S. pres.act.ind. scandere- to scan
5. obstrepit- 3.S. pres.act.ind. obstrepere
6. regnavit- 3. S. pluperd.act.ind. Regnare
7. meritis- 2.P. Pres.act.ind. Meritere- to merit
8. laude- 1. S. pres.pass. ind. laudare- to praise
9. aere- infinitive
10. lauro- 1.S. pres. act. ind. laurare

Catullus 10
1. est- 3.S. pres.act.ind. esse- to be
2. Venimus- 1.P. pres.act.ind. venere
3. incidere- infinitive
4. esse - infinitive- to be
5. dicitur- 3.S. pres. pass. ind. dicere- to speak
6. parare- infinitive
7. collocare- infinitive
8. posset- 3.S.Pres.act.ind. posse- to be able to
9. licet- 3.S. pres.act.ind. licere
10. paravit- 3.S.pluperf. act.ind. - parare

Catullus 39
1. habet- 3.S.pres.act.ind. habere- to have
2. est - 3.S. pres.act.ind. esse- to be
3. excitat- 3.S.pres.act.ind. excitare- to be excited
4. renidet- 3.S.pres.act.ind.- renidere
5. lugetur- 3.S. pres. pass. ind. lugete
6. agit- 3.S.pres.pass.ind. agere
7. lubet- 3.S. pres. act. ind. lubere
8. renidere- infinitive
9. defricare - infinitive
10. praedicet- 3.S.pres.act.ind. praedicere

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