Friday, January 30, 2009


Sara's mother died when she was born. All of her life she felt guilt about being the reason her mother died and she wished that she had the chance to know her. One day, Sara was in her attic finding the box with the Christmas decorations and she came across a box titled "Jennifer". Time stopped. She was paralyzed in her spot. She didn't know how long she stared at that box, but she decided to open it.
Inside, Sara found a wedding dress and she pulled it out. A tiny picture of a woman on her wedding day fell to the ground. Sara picked it up and recognized the woman as her mother, Jennifer. She closed her eyes and smelled the wedding dress. When she opened her eyes she wasn't in her attic anymore. She saw Jennifer sitting in front of a vanity so Sara called out to her, "Mom!". Jennifer didn't turn. Then the door opened and a woman told Jennifer that it was time for her to go. She got up and followed the woman, Sara followed. Then she saw her grandpa take Jennifer's arm. The organs began playing the familiar bridal tune and the old, wooden doors opened to the church's congregation. She looked down the isle and saw her father and how excited and in love he looked. She decided that she was invisible because no one was answering her calls, so she stood next to her parents as they exchanged vows. Later, at the reception Sara saw how much her parents loved each other and how excited they were to share their lives. Jennifer was so lively, she danced the whole time. Soon the reception was over and her parents were leaving to catch the plane for their honeymoon. As soon as the doors shut, Sara was transported back to her attic at her house.
She was curious to see what else would be in the box. She found a children's book when she looked in. Another picture fell out, it was also of her mother, but this time she was with her family as a little girl.

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