Monday, September 29, 2008

Voacb Quiz- Pan et Syringa

1. ager- field
2. bracchium- arm
3. concilium-union
4. fugi fugii- to flee
5. papyrus- papyrus
6. satyrus - satyr
7. Syringa- Syringa (the nymph)
8. vir viri- man
9. divivero- devote
10. fugito fugitaro- fugitive
11. puto putare- to think
12. tenero tenere- to touch
13. benignus- kind
14. densus- dense
15. nullus- no one
16. iternum-
17. autem- however
18. donec
19. eam- her
20. eos- them

olim- once
quamquam- therefore

1 comment:

Annie said...

fuga, -ae- flight
fugito- to flee
teneo- to hold
